The AEMC's review is focused on assessing how the Australian Government's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) and expanded Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme may affect existing electricity and gas market arrangements.
Frontier Australia prepared a report advising the AEMC of the impacts of the CPRS and RET schemes on the Western Australian and Northern Territory energy markets.
Frontier Australia prepared a separate report that considered the impact of these policies on generator investment and operation in the National Electricity Market paying particular attention to generator contracting, bidding and risk management strategies, as well as the impact on investment and retirement decisions and organisational structure.
The AEMC's second interim report is due to be published in June 2009, and will be further informed by industry consultation.
The Australian Government has released the final report of the Review of Ambush Marketing Legislation. Ambush marketing is used to describe a wide range of marketing activities by which a business seeks to associate its name, logos, products or services with an event for which it is not a sponsor. The report was commissioned by the Australian Government from Frontier (Australia) in association with the Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia (located in the Law School of the University of Melbourne).
The report reviews the effectiveness of two pieces of legislation that protect the Olympic movement and protected the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games from ambush marketing. Among the report's conclusions are that both pieces of legislation have been effective in achieving their stated aims and that, on balance, the impact of the Ambush Marketing Legislation has been generally positive.