Warwick Davis from Frontier (Australia) today presented at the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s annual Regulatory Conference at a session examining Net Neutrality and the Open Internet. Warwick was the discussant for the presentation by Professor Tim Brennan, Chief Economist at the Federal Communications Commission in 2014, and Professor of Public Policy and Economics at the University of Maryland.

Warwick’s comments addressed several key points raised by Professor Brennan, and then looked at the relevance of net neutrality laws to Australia given Australia’s particular industry structure, regulatory framework and the recent transformation in the way consumers are using the Internet.

Frontier (Australia) regularly advises organisations and regulators on competition and policy issues in the telecommunications sector.

For more information please contact Marita O’Keeffe at m.okeeffe@frontier-economics.com.au or phone +61 3 9620 4488.


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