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Climate change & renewables markets

Irrespective of what governments decide to do on climate change, consumers and
producers are responding by demanding lower emission services and this is leading to
technological change that is rivalling conventional ways of producing energy and
delivering energy services to consumers.

Key policy questions are how to ensure our energy systems can continue to provide reliable and secure services while remaining reasonably priced and where consumer choices are not being dictated.

Poorly designed and implemented policies can be expensive. They can leave the community unconvinced of the need or wisdom of acting to reduce emissions, and alienating stakeholders across vital sectors and regions of the economy.

Frontier Economics has an exceptional analytical and modelling capability that we bring to bear when designing, advising on, and costing schemes targeted at abating greenhouse gases, including renewable
targets, energy efficiency schemes, cap-and-trade, emission intensity schemes and taxation policies.

See below for more detail on our climate change work.
