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Clement Low


Clement is an economist at Frontier Economics who focuses on regulatory economics, providing qualitative and quantitative analysis on a range of economic issues. He advises across a range of industry sectors, including water, waste, energy, transport, and public policy.

Before joining Frontier Economics, Clement worked in the Victorian water industry as the lead regulatory modeller at South East Water (a large water utility in Melbourne).

Clement has a Master of Economics from the University of Melbourne.

His expertise includes:

Economic regulation

Clement provides support to regulated businesses developing their pricing proposals. This includes regulatory modelling, opex efficiency analysis, customer research and engagement (including to investigate customer willingness to pay), review of business cases, and preparation of price submission documents. Other examples include:

  • Regulatory modelling quality assurance for economic regulators’ price review processes
  • Development of building block models for various utilities for submission to the regulators including the ESC, IPART, QCA and AER.
  • Supporting electricity distribution networks in their Access Arrangements including bill impact modelling under different expenditure options
  • Providing analysis on the financiability of water businesses and estimating the appropriate weighted average cost of capital for water businesses
  • Economic regulation modelling, demand forecasting, designing and running customer engagement workshops to test potential tariff reforms and trade-offs between expenditure options.

Infrastructure and policy business cases

Clement has experience in authoring and reviewing business cases and cost-benefit analyses for a range of infrastructure projects and policies. Examples include:

  • Integrated water management projects (including recycled water and stormwater harvested) and water efficiency schemes
  • Development of a cost allocation framework to justifiably recover the costs of integrated water management from different customer groups who are not the primary impact or beneficiaries of the integrated water management project
  • Providing guidance to Melbourne water businesses in quantifying the economic benefits of alternative water projects as part of an industry working group
  • Renewable gas projects looking at options for converting biogas from landfill sites and agricultural waste into biomethane for injection into the gas network
  • Kerbside waste recycling infrastructure options including forecasting for the impact of sector policies that support the transition to a more circular economy.

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In Asia-Pacific, we do this from offices in Australia and Singapore. We work as a single team with expertise and people brought together as required by the problem we are solving for our clients.  Reach out to any of our economists and consultants to find out how we can help you.

Clement Low


+61 3 9620 4488

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